Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jingle Bell Rock

He: When I say Jingle Bell! You say Rock!
He: Jingle Bell
We: Rock

This was how
Billy Yesudian a.k.a William Tell started his rocking performance yesterday at our office campus. People especially enjoyed his "Cinderalla" song.

Apart from Billy, WoW (Women of Worth) band based out of Chennai also performed a few traditional and contemporary Christmas numbers.

The highlight of the show was
Benny Prasad - India's most travelled musician - internationally acclaimed guitarist who performed at Sydney and Athens Olympics as well as 2006 FIFA World Cup.

Even thought I wasn't there to witness Benny's performance, I know he would have Rocked too.

I think I hear Santa singing.
Santa: When I say 'Ho Ho!' You sa 'Ha Ha'
Santa: Ho Ho!
Me: Ha Ha!

Cheers to every one! May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

Merry Christmas friends.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Wifey, looking at the lovely Pears soap : Why is it that the soap has dissolved from one end?
Me : Pata nahi yaar! BTW, Is that the left or the right side of the soap where it has dissolved?
Wifey, with an 'Are you crazy' look on her face : I dunno.
Me with a straight face : Left.
Wifey, with more 'Are you crazy' look on her face : Why? How?
Me : Because that is what is left of it.
Wifey , all appreciative : That was a good one!
Me, taking a bow : Thanks.

Pears transparent glycerine soap : Rs. 35
Matching Soap case : Rs. 50
Expression of wifey's face when I, finally, managed to crack a Non PJ : Priceless!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

More British Fun.

There is more to British apart from their choice of choicest surnames and their tendency of naming their houses, lanes, parks, streets, towns and what-not after parts of the human anatomy (Please refer to my previous post).Scots hate them, and so do we. We all know why we hate them, but why the Scots hate them is a very funny (madeup) story.

Lone long time ago, when the Scots and Britsh were close friends, The Scottish king( For convenience and due to lack of any creative ideas, I name him King Scot) had a whim. He wanted to name all the lochs(lakes in Scottish) in Scotland. He asked his wise high priest, Mr. Wise for help.

Mr. Wise, was wiser than what his name suggested! I mean extremely wise! He told the king that he should bring in a British Mapmaker to do the job. Mr. Wise knew that the British were in the habit of conquering kingdoms and drawing maps of it. And that they were good at it - both conquering and Map-making.

It was a brilliant idea. Allowing Britishers to draw a map of Scotland, without allowing them to conquer it! The king saluted the idea. It was a brilliant plan. King Scot sent a messenger to the Queen of England; addressed henceforth as The Queen.

The Queen was more than happy to comply with King Scot's request. She asked her leading mapmaker, Mr Super Map to help the Scots draw their map.

After three days of hectic travel, Mr. Super Map reached Scotland along with the messenger. He was overwhelmed by the spectacular welcome that was arranged for him - Women, Music and Wine!

That very night, a heavily drunk, Mr. Super Map started his task of drawing the map. He started naming the lakes - Loch Katrine, Lock Lomond, Loch Ness (famous for the adorable 500 tonne Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie as he is fondly addressed), Loch Fyne, and so on and so forth till he was totally depleted of ideas.

He had 2 more lakes to name but he did not know what to call them.

Tired, drunk, and emptied of ideas he decided to name one as Lochie (Yeah! That's right! Lock Lochie :-) and the other one as Lake of Meredith.

Now you know why the Scots hate Britishers.
- What the hell is one 'Lake' doing in between so many 'Lochs'?
- And what kinda name is Loch Lochie anyways? Would you like it if you were christened Tom Tommie or worse Hank Hankie?

The story has a gruesome ending with Mr. Super Map losing his head so I am skipping the details!

But as I mentioned earlier, from that day onwards, the Scots and the British are at loggerheads with each other.


Sunday, December 2, 2007

I see. I laugh.

****No offenses meant to anyone****

In Indian Context :-

  • Poonam Cootan sarees. 75% off.
  • Ganesha Loandry
  • Roti Land Dhabha - Cool Chilld Bear here
  • Kim Herbal Beauty Porlaur
  • Ashok Palace Resturant - Ashok Palace Restorunt (They put the board twice with different spellings, hoping to get at least one right. But sadly, it wasn't to be)

In British Context :- (They know their spelling all right! But what's wrong with their brains? Why can't they seem to have decent names to their lanes and streets? )

  • Crotch Crescent
  • Lady gardens
  • Squeeze Guts Alley
  • Saggy Scrotum Cross (I am not making this up. This landmark is in Kent)
  • Nutter Lane
  • And who can forget the famous 'Back Passage' in London

You can find many more crazy town names @ I bet that once you got through a few of these pages, you will be ROFLYAO.

And to add icing to the cake, they have pretty funny surnames too

  • Ryan Sidebottom (Current English cricketer.. Brilliant Bowler.. Wacky hairstyle)
  • Harry Balls
  • Timothy Rothenchild
  • Minnie Shatter
  • James Schuh
Got any more to add to this list?
