Sunday, December 2, 2007

I see. I laugh.

****No offenses meant to anyone****

In Indian Context :-

  • Poonam Cootan sarees. 75% off.
  • Ganesha Loandry
  • Roti Land Dhabha - Cool Chilld Bear here
  • Kim Herbal Beauty Porlaur
  • Ashok Palace Resturant - Ashok Palace Restorunt (They put the board twice with different spellings, hoping to get at least one right. But sadly, it wasn't to be)

In British Context :- (They know their spelling all right! But what's wrong with their brains? Why can't they seem to have decent names to their lanes and streets? )

  • Crotch Crescent
  • Lady gardens
  • Squeeze Guts Alley
  • Saggy Scrotum Cross (I am not making this up. This landmark is in Kent)
  • Nutter Lane
  • And who can forget the famous 'Back Passage' in London

You can find many more crazy town names @ I bet that once you got through a few of these pages, you will be ROFLYAO.

And to add icing to the cake, they have pretty funny surnames too

  • Ryan Sidebottom (Current English cricketer.. Brilliant Bowler.. Wacky hairstyle)
  • Harry Balls
  • Timothy Rothenchild
  • Minnie Shatter
  • James Schuh
Got any more to add to this list?


1 comment:

Cyberkitty said...

ha ha ha, I've seen some weird ones too!!!